Use of Pinterest

How to use Pinterest for Business?

People in this digital age are only concerned with their businesses or leads for business growth. The world experiences new changes, and people today are sometimes adept at embracing these changes. Try to adapt to changes with time.

Pinterest is one of the changes in the modes of marketing for businesses, with nearly 445 million users worldwide.

For the digital world, 445 million users are no joke at all. That’s why digital and business authorities use this platform as a business marketplace.

People use Pinterest to take guidance from the brand’s sites to buy things. Almost 82% of users use Pinterest to purchase items they know they desire but have no idea where to find them.

The Basic Framework of Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the largest popular social media platforms, ranked in 14th position. Audiences can find anything on Pinterest, even according to their area of interest and hobbies. 

You can see different pins according to several categories. These categories may be about fashion, sports, and your business.

Framework of Pinterest

When you click on the pin, there is an option below the image about the read or visit. 

After clicking on the visit button, you land on the page where you can read more information about the pin posted on Pinterest and may also save these pins in the collection portion of the boards. When you create a board, you can also give names to these boards.

There is also an option of created pins. This area contains personally “created Pins” based on your interests.

How to Use Pinterest for Business

Let’s get started with step by step guide.

1. Create a Business Account on Pinterest

Create an account with an email not in use already on any other Pinterest account. After creating a business account connected to your private account, write the bio of your page using keywords.

Also, add a profile picture that attracts your audience.

You can also convert your existing account into a business account in the setting portion. After tapping on account management, you can see the button under account changes, then tap convert to a business account.

That’s all you need to do.

2. Create Business-Labeled Boards

Value your business by creating boards exclusively for your business’s services and products on Pinterest if you want to succeed there.

Create boards

Create boards that entirely show all the factors of your business.

Suppose your business is a clothing brand of your own. You have to create some boards that describe the clothing of your brand and all the new clothing style you introduce in the market. That’s all you need to do.

3. Arrange Pinterest Giveaways 

Create a Pinterest giveaway poster and post it on Pinterest as a pin.

Also, add a blog post in this pin on your website for the awareness of your brand giveaway. You can gift pictures in the poster of your product or services. It is the best way to attract people to more pins and know more about your product and services.

Arrange giveaways in this way that people enjoy and find more creative. Then they show their concern toward your brand or business.

4. Be Aware of the latest Pinterest trends

Every social media platform evolves after some time. They grow and give some new features according to their criteria.

Keep yourself up to date with the latest trends on Pinterest. You can check other top business pages on Pinterest. Look at what they are doing and the kind of content they are using on Pinterest to engage the audience. You can check the latest trends on Pinterest by checking the top account board collection.

5. Join the other group boards

There are some collaborative boards on Pinterest through which you can introduce your products and services because these boards contain a large no of the audience that can help your business grow faster. You can gain more website traffic with the help of a mutual audience. Collaborating boards also give you a wide variety of choices to increase sales of your products for your business.

6. Use eye-catching images as a pin

By creating eye-catching pins, you can lure your audience on a large scale. People want images that can explain their area of interest in one picture with stunning visuals. 

For example, your brand is about seasonal clothing. If someone posts a picture with your brand’s clothing, you can use the picture as your pin for advertising and engaging your audience more.

As you already know, Pinterest is a visual search engine for discovering ideas about different niches.

7. Use Creative and Unique Pins

People seek uniqueness in everything in the modern world, from fashion to education field selection to career development. All they want is something unique and innovative.

Therefore, businesses also need unique strategies and tactics to attract an audience. On Pinterest, people also want creative and unique pins that stand out from the crowd.

Find unique and creative ideas relevant to your business and use them in any way you see fit, either through writing, video, or graphic representation.

8. Check the Analytics of Your Pinterest Account

Checking Pinterest analytics is significant for your business.

You can check the audience turnout rate on your pins monthly or weekly to be aware of their interest. 

After checking the analytics, you can understand the audiences needs more proficiently. In the Pinterest statistics, you can view the impressions, “Total audience saves, engaged audience, pin clicks, pin click rate, and Outbound clicks.

Analytics of Pins

9. Create SEO-friendly Pins

SEO for pins may sound weird, but this is one of the strategies for a business account to have appeared in searches on Pinterest. 

Use keywords, interests, location, age, and other factors to target the advertising important to your business account or business.

Working in this area requires you to see Pinterest as a search engine where your content must rank in your audience’s searches.

10. Use Hashtags

The use of hashtags is the most common method to reach the maximum audience. On many other platforms like Facebook and Instagram, businesses also employ this method to engage their followers. 

You can arrange and classify your pins based on keywords by using hashtags.


Building your online presence may be easy and enjoyable when you use Pinterest for business. Pinterest may be a terrific tool for your business as long as you are honest and upfront about your goals, don’t overdo it and keep up a professional appearance. If you are still wondering why Pinterest is important in marketing your business and how to use it for the same, then you must have the answers by now. We have covered all the necessary facts in this article, along with some handy tips which are noticeable for businesses.

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