Email Marketing Tools

Top Email Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

Do you wish to learn how to optimize your Email list and marketing? Make the most of your available resources through email marketing. Today, with more than 243 million users, Email marketing is a source of marketing that has proven its worth as one of the most reliable ways of reaching out to your target audience.

It is an excellent strategy for small businesses to save time and connect with prospective clients. However, not all of them are valuable investments in both time and money. Because you want to save time, you cannot pick a solution that won’t help your company.

As the saying goes, “Stopping your watch to save time is like choosing an unworthy solution for your business.”

The launch of the global first email by Ray Tomlinson in the 1970s caused a great revolution in the marketing industry.

According to a survey by Statista, In 2020, the global Email user base reached four billion, with 4.6 billion expected by 2025.

Global email marketing was worth 7.5 billion dollars, and the figure could reach 17.9 billion by 2027.

 The question that comes to mind after hearing about a different type of marketing is. What are the significant objectives of marketing? Why do businesses need email marketing?

Suppose you ask this question to 100 different business people.

You would get diverse responses from each of them. Some would claim the goal of marketing is to make your name known in the industry. You’ll hear from others that marketing helps to establish your brand and brand awareness. The most typical response you’ll get from people is that marketing helps to produce leads that are subsequently forwarded to the sales staff, while others will state that marketing drives sales.

Benefits You Frequently Get from Email Marketing:

  • It helps you in increasing website visitors.
  • It is cost-efficient. Compare it to other digital advertising channels such as Google AdWords or social media, and it’s still cheaper!
  • Email marketing is a platform with massive reach. There are currently 4.14 billion users of email worldwide. Furthermore, the percentage of people with email accounts worldwide is about 50%., so you need to get in on this game!
  • Return on investment: This is the figure you would present to your boss and any opponents. If you use email marketing to sell your goods and services, you’ll earn back 40% of the dollars, pounds, and euros you spend on it.

Let’s explore the top email marketing tools available for achieving your objectives.

1. Sendinblue

Sendinblue Email Marketing Tool

Sendinblue is a powerful SMS, email marketing, and automation platform for small businesses. It is a marketing platform with the required sales and marketing tools. Users of Sendinblue can create personalized marketing automation sequences with action points like sending emails, newsletters, or SMS communications. It helps to grow small businesses and boost your relationship with your customers.

Key Features:

  • Users may access customer information in a single location using Sendinblue’s integrated CRM functionality.
  • Sendinblue also has features that create “landing pages” and Facebook ads to complete customers’ marketing presence.
  • Sendinblue’s core task is marketing automation workflows, which automate sales and marketing processes by creating a set of criteria, triggers, and rules that customers can modify for their own companies.
  • Emails, newsletters, and SMS messages are just a few activities that can be customized and generated using drag-and-drop features within Sendinblue.
  • With the help of Sendinblue’s comprehensive CRM, users can manage their client relationships without switching to a different software program.
  • Users can customize email registration forms with color, picture, branding, and interactive fields using the same drag-and-drop functionality as the email campaign builder.
  • Pricing: Sendinblue offers four pricing plans. The first is a free plan with a daily email limit of 300. As the expected email volume rises, so do the features and costs of the lite, premium, and enterprise plans.

2. Mailchimp

Mailchimp Email Marketing Tool

Mailchimp is a marketing automation tool that can assist you in managing several marketing tasks. It provides different products, including an e-commerce platform, transactional email, and a website builder. Small businesses rushed to adopt Mailchimp when it initially debuted as an email marketing tool. Mailchimp is still a competent email marketing platform with features like a customer journey builder, marketing CRM, email templates, dynamic content, and A/B testing. 

Key Features:

  • The core feature of Mailchimp is an email builder.
  • The drag-and-drop editor in this tool allows you to add and modify various blocks as you create your email’s layout.
  • You can add elements like text headers, pictures, and videos using Mailchimp.
  • You can use the system’s free several stock photos to design your emails.
  • You may create a customer journey using a drag-and-drop flowchart, defining starting points to determine how clients are added to a campaign and adding branching points and delays to adapt email messages to customer behavior.
  • An analytic feature in Mailchimp shows statistics like unsubscribe rates, delivery bounce rates, and opening click rates.
  • Pricing: Mailchimp has four plans in addition to a free one with 2000 contacts. It has a premium, standard, essential plan other than the free one. You can access the SAS solution using a web browser or a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

3. Constant Contact

CONSTANT CONTACT Email Marketing Tool

Constant Contact is a marketing automation platform that strives to provide users with the tools they need to send eye-catching emails and much more. It offers tools for digital marketing and emails that are simplified and improved for small businesses.

The platform enables you to create professional landing pages and emails, segment lists, and automate messages to increase engagement and revenues.

Key Features:

  • Its email marketing automation tool was required to enhance audience engagement and size in less time.
  • Additionally, it encourages visits and sales by sending timely emails to customers to celebrate events like birthdays, anniversaries, and welcomes.
  •  It also has abandoned cart reminders and follow-ups on unopened emails.
  • Its segmentation feature saves time and increases engagement by sending more targeted content.
  • Businesses can use segments using data from Shopify, eBay, and Etsy to offer special incentives for their top customers versus recent consumers or prospects.
  • Pricing: Constant Contact offers two different plans. The user’s total number of contacts determines cost, and precise pricing is only available through Constant Contact directly.

4. Omnisend 

Omnisend is a email marketing tool

Omnisend is an email marketing platform. It also provides SMS messaging when you wish to deliver messages directly to your consumers’ phones. It also has push notifications. You can automate the entire process with it. 

Key Features:

Here are some features that might be helpful in your business.

These features include;

  • Marketing automation 
  • Email marketing and SMS 
  • Web push notification 
  • Popups and forms (It draws customers to your store and helps them buy.)
  • Reports
  • Segmentation
  • Audience syncโ€™s for ads

Pricing: It offers three plans. With its free version, you can send 500 emails and 60 SMS each month.

5. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign  is a email marketing tool

ActiveCampaign is an email marketing automation solution that enables you to manage various marketing automation tasks. It tries to combine CRM, marketing automation, and email marketing capabilities into a single platform. You can create email campaigns, promotions, and newsletters that engage your customers. The size of contact lists grows by 143% when using personalized email marketing. ActiveCampaign allows users to personalize their emails.

Key Features:

You can manage marketing automation operations using several features that ActiveCampaign offers. 

Some of them are;

  • ActiveCampaign focuses heavily on email campaigns. You can customize a variety of email templates to utilize for your campaigns.
  • You can enhance your email campaigns with dynamic content by customizing and segmenting your audience.
  • ActiveCampaign makes use of a user-friendly drag-and-drop marketing automation platform.
  • To maximize productivity and convenience, ActiveCampaign also automates CRM and sales.
  • Pricing: For ActiveCampaign, there are four plans available. Each progressive strategy makes room for more users and features. 

 The most popular option is the professional package, which has features including:

  1. A dedicated onboarding specialist
  2. Complex automation
  3. Extraordinary Reporting

ActiveCampaign does not have a free version, although it does offer new users a free trial.


This list might be helpful if you’re a small business seeking an email marketing solution. Maintaining your marketing activities can be challenging when time and resources are short. All these tools are incredibly beneficial for your company as you search for a program to help you deliver newsletters, develop marketing strategies, and manage client relationships.

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