Computer Science VS. Computer Engineering

Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering: What to Choose in 2021?

Just in case if you are opting for a computational masters program, you must have heard about the terms computer science and computer engineering. Despite the fact that both these terms have overlap, comprehending the differences between computer science masterโ€™s degree programs and computer engineering programs is necessary when it comes to picking a program that will be a nice fit for you.

In this article, we will discuss how both these fields differ and what you would like to consider when opting between a career in computer science or computer engineering. Letโ€™s dive in,

What is Computer Science?

Computer science mainly focuses on topics in computational theory. This comprises the virtual features of computers, focusing on software instead of hardware. As a field that is closely associated with mathematics. 

The best thing about computer science is that it applies theoretical ideas for solving the real world problems. As far as the computer science degree programs are concerned, you are required to be an expert in courses such as analysis of algorithms, operating system principles, computer architecture, and also software engineering. 

While keeping in view the aforementioned fact, an interest in math, puzzles, and problem-solving can be an ideal fit for someone who wants to try his luck in this program. A computer science degree will cover necessary hardware and software-related topics such as computer organization and architecture.

What is Computer Engineering?

The main focus of computer engineering is to build devices. This field brings together physics, electrical engineering, and computer science. To put it simply, computer engineering focuses mostly on hardware rather than software. 

Being a closely related field to physics and engineering, students who take an interest in how things work and are interested in applying that knowledge along-with expertise to build something new could do well in a computer engineering program.

The basic job of a computer engineer is to work in the physical world while comprehending as to how we can harness the laws of physics and electronics for creating better computer components. 

A masterโ€™s degree in computer engineering degrees will cover a broad range of topics such as computer architecture, computer networks, and physics. 

Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering: Degree Programs

It is worth mentioning here that many of the computer science and computer engineering jobs want you to get a bachelorโ€™s degree and pay well after that, however earning a masterโ€™s degree can easily help you earn $30,000 more per annum. If youโ€™re opting for an advanced degree to enhance your career, comparing programs can easily help you out with making your decision.

It is to noted that both these degrees, i.e. computer science and computer engineering degrees share the same courses and are both good choices for an amazing technology career, there is still a major difference to point out.

Computer science mainly focuses on troubleshooting issues on a software level. This field expects you to learn different programming languages and how to efficiently work with operating systems while maintaining databases at the same time.

On the other hand, the main focus of computer engineering is to solve problems and designing hardware as well as software interfaces. You can also expect some resemblance between the degrees and job titles since computer engineers have to take care of the development and prototyping of software and hardware at the same time. 

As far as these degrees are concerned, both allow students to focus on concentrations within every discipline, such as cyber-security, aerospace, or robotics. 

There are so many universities out there that allow students to be a specialist in database management, security, graphics, game design, and programming languages to name a few.

Core Curriculum

Computer ScienceComputer Engineering
Computational Problem-solvingFundamentals of Physics
Algorithms and Data StructuresAI and Robotics
Operating System DesignEssential Software Development
Advanced Software DevelopmentElectronic Circuit Design
UI/UX DesignMicroprocessor Designing and Interface
Data Security/Defensive ProgrammingDigital Signal Processing

Computer Science (CS) vs. Computer Engineering (CE): Career Opportunities

Getting a masterโ€™s degree in computer engineering unlocks so many doors to students. They can easily develop and also manufacture aerospace, fuel, water, medical, water, and telecommunications systems as well as devices, among other options. 

Besides, they can also expertly develop computer architecture systems along-with equipment, including circuit boards, routers along-with sensors. If they choose to develop software, computer engineering degree holders have far enough training to land jobs in this field.

However, if youโ€™re someone looking at computer science vs. computer engineering to get a job as a programmer, a computer science degree can be the best option for you. 

The students of computer science can often land a job within their profession while still going through their degrees. Some of these professionals will start programming instantly, while others will begin n some technical support roles or the quality assurance of software products).

As they get more knowledge and expertise, computer science professionals can specialize in computer and app programming along-with automation roles, but they can easily develop network systems, databases along-with websites.

Every industry undoubtedly needs computer science graduatesโ€™ skills as every industry has software products, apps, and websites these days, so there their role cannot be limitized whatsoever in any case. 

Possible Career Paths

Software EngineerElectrical Engineer
UI/UX DesignerMobile Device Engineer
Mobile App DeveloperMicrochip Architect
Computer ScientistMechanical Engineer
Wed DesignerComputer Hardware Engineer
Data ScientistElectronics Architect

Computer Science (CS) vs. Computer Engineering (CE): Job Outlook 

In this contemporary world of science and technology, software is comparatively a much bigger business as compared to hardware. Comparatively, computer science jobs come up in the market more rapidly than computer engineering jobs. 

However, that being said, it is also true that as robots and autonomous systems evolve and their extensive use becoming more widespread, hardware have certainly become a powerhouse, and the ratio may vary. 

If we talk about the current situation, there are probably more ways to flourish in computer science instead of computer engineering, whether you have interests in information management, crypto-currency, or Artificial Intelligence.

You should also keep in mind that there are so many employers who treat computer science and computer engineering degrees as interchangeable, so your area of expertise may not have as much of an influence on your earning potential as you might imagine. 

There can be so many hiring managers who will only pay attention to the ‘computer’ side of CS and CE. You may get a computer science job with an engineering degree, or it can be the other way around.  

Computer Science (CS) vs. Computer Engineering (CE) : Average Salary 

As far as the average salary of a computer scientist is concerned, it is higher than the computer engineer’s average salary. However, it mainly depends on where you want to get your information from.

According to, the average salary for a computer engineer is $97,306 per year with the US. Besides, he is also likely to get as many as a $5,500 cash bonus per annum. The computer scientists can earn about $108,000. 

According to BLS, computer engineers can earn as many as $117,000, while computer scientists can earn closer to $123,000. 

These figures reveals that you can earn enough money in any discipline, so it makes make career decisions depending upon your interests, talents as well as passions if you’re opting to choose between them.

Wrapping Up

If you’re someone who is passionate about computers, there are chances are you will do well no matter which career path you select. Computer science and computer engineering are both amazing and highly-paying fields that will likely flourishing as technology develops, and your prospects will be the same in each. 

Choosing between these related disciplines can be hard when you come across at university programs. It might be of interesting to point out whether you’re more fancied by mathematics, puzzles, and abstract problem-savings or by solid computational challenges and practical work. 

If you are someone who is a conceptual thinker, you may get the most of a computer science program. If you are fascinated about building gadgets and circuitry, a computer engineering program might be a better option.






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