How to Reach Out to Recruiters on LinkedIn

How to Reach Out to Recruiters on LinkedIn the Right Way

The reason why professional networking sites such as LinkedIn have been in the business with such repute is just because they have made the job quite easier while connecting you to significant opportunities at the same time. It goes without saying that you can save yourself enough time, energy, and certain other resources when you know the art of how to message recruiters on LinkedIn.

The very first question that pops up in our mind all of a sudden is how you can make the first move when it comes to approaching recruiters on LinkedIn. Besides, it is also necessary to know how to find recruiters on LinkedIn and how to talk to them or get them to notice you along with so many other things that must be sorted out.

That is where the following tips come to the rescue by helping you find answers to all the relevant queries while making sure that you master the art of how to approach a recruiter on linkedin and up your game in the process. Letโ€™s dive in,

What is LinkedIn Mail?

Before explaining the tips to message your recruiters, it’s equally important to understand what LinkedIn Mail is. This is a private messaging service on the professional platform. It’s made especially for professionals who wish to connect with and text to other LinkedIn users.

But there is a paid version of this service in which you’re able to send a message to anyone who has selected “yes” to receive messages from LinkedIn users. But on the free version, you’re only allowed to send messages to those users who are connected to you on the platform in some way.

LinkedIn Mail is an effective tool to network with recruiters and score your ideal job. But even this service will be useless if you’re not sure how to use it to your advantage. What’s more, your messages can be lost in the shuffle.

To avoid this, read the following tips we have written.

1. Make Sure to Leverage your LinkedIn Profile

It all begins with your LinkedIn profile that helps recruiters as well as employers to find you. Keep in mind that a well-put-together profile reveals that you are all set to take on new challenges and job opportunities.

While keeping in view the fact that having a photo can easily get your profile noticed, it is better to select a suitable one. Make sure that you select one that ideally reveals your face, matches your profession, and uses a decent background.

Besides, it is also advisable that you add a line or two that describes something about what you do, experience, type of industry, areas of expertise, achievements, goals and certain other things that can make it creative and concise.

Besides, you should also complete the sections for work experience as well as educational background along with other certifications, volunteer experience, skills, and certain accomplishments. Keep in mind that itโ€™s like your resume flavored with links along with supporting documents.

In addition, you should also make sure to update your profile on a frequent basis and whenever you gain a new skill, accomplish a successful project, or receive an award and make sure that you update it on a frequent basis. 

2. Choosing the Ideal Person is the Way to Go

Prior to starting to think about how to contact recruiters or hiring managers on LinkedIn, ensure that you have the ideal person in mind. The smartest way to search for recruiters is by typing your industry as well as the word โ€œrecruiter,โ€ letโ€™s say โ€œmarketing recruiter.โ€ 

Moreover, you can also easily narrow your LinkedIn search results region-wise in order to find local recruiters in your area. However, it is also worth mentioning to ensure that the recruiter or hiring manager is still active and hasn’t switched to a different job or field.

3. Reach Out to Recruiter

The most crucial phase is how to contact a recruiter and if you have a free account, you need to be connected to them to send a message to any hiring manager. That is where you should look for the โ€œConnectโ€ button that exists on their profile page. If you come across a โ€œFollowโ€ button, opt for โ€œMoreโ€ and look for โ€œConnect.โ€

In case of a premium LinkedIn account, all you have to do is send an InMail to folks outside your network. Keep in mind that LinkedIn Inmail is the more direct approach.

Make sure that you send a personalized connection request as it arouses the recipientโ€™s interest while acting as a quick introduction. One suggestion would be to say how you came to know the person. Moreover, you can also touch on commonalities such as attending the same university or sharing the same professional group.

4. A Powerful Follow-up Message Can Do the Trick

Keep in mind that the recruiterโ€™s acceptance of your connection request is just the beginning. They are well aware of the fact that you are on a look-out for a job based on how you put your invitation into words.

Therefore, it is necessary that your next big step should be to clarify that in your message post-acceptance. That is why you should begin by thanking them and express your intent that you are interested in a specific job opening or want to be considered for upcoming roles.

Make sure that you keep the follow-up message short and sweet. You can easily cover the salient points in just a few sentences. Make sure that you end your message with a call to action or also signal for them to keep up for more information.

5. Send the Recruiter your Resume

Once the recruiter opts to accept your connection request, you should follow a more direct approach through email or a LinkedIn message. You can also find a recruiter’s email address mentioned under โ€œContact infoโ€ on his or her profile and if you arenโ€™t able to find it, send a message through LinkedIn.

Make sure that you send the recruiter a direct message describing your experience, qualifications, and also what you’re currently finding in a few brief sentences, and most importantly attach your resume, too. You should also ask if it would make sense for both of you to connect via phone.  

6. Staying in Touch Can Produce Desired Result

It may happen sometimes that reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn doesnโ€™t produce an efficient outcome right away. Moreover, you may also get an answer that isn’t very encouraging.

However, you shouldnโ€™t lose hope and do something to ensure you stay at the top of this hiring managerโ€™s mind: stay in touch.

Keep in mind that you shouldnโ€™t email the recruiter every week while asking if he/she has anything for you. On the contrary, try to simply circle back almost every couple of months in a friendly and informal way.

Letโ€™s say you come across come across an article about some recent trends in the recruiter’s industry. All you have to do is send the link along with a friendly note.

7. Be Reachable

While keeping in view the fact that you can hear from the recruiters you contacted anytime soon, make sure that you keep your communication lines open. That is why you must indicate your up-to-the-minute contact information.

Itโ€™s a common issue among recruitment professionals when applicants couldnโ€™t respond to calls or emails or unable to answer months-old messages right away.  That is why; candidates and any new hires must undergo some modifications like expediting hiring and also HR being more communicative.

However, it would be really counterproductive to move away from the scene after initiating the contact. Your priorities could have been shifted, or if you have received more offers, but still react even when it is to turn down an interview or suggest other people who want to avail the offer.

What Not to Say to Recruiters on LinkedIn

  • Don’t request them to see your profile and recommend a job.
  • Don’t write a generic text. Rather, be as specific as possible.
  • Don’t sound demanding.
  • Avoid typing a wall of text in which you only speak about yourself.
  • Don’t send the same text to all recruiters. Try to personalize each recruiter to adapt to the demands of the recruiter.
  • Don’t send very short texts as well.
  • Lastly, always proofread your text before sending.

That’s it! You’re good to go now.

Wrapping Up

If you are someone who has been searching for a job for any duration, you should be well aware of the fact by now that it is not something like childโ€™s play and can sometimes be downright terrifying. Despite the fact that it might be so direct, approaching recruiters on LinkedIn is socially acceptable and therefore you shouldnโ€™t be shy to make the first call. Considering the fact that as many as 93 percent of hiring managers use LinkedIn to find candidates, this should be the platform that you need to make the most of. 

We hope that you’ve learned the art of message to hiring manager.







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