Adding boarding passes on Android will soon become less of a hassle


Physical boarding passes are annoying. You have to keep them on you to present them when you’re boarding the flight, but once that’s done you throw them away. It’s a waste of paper, if we’re being honest, which is why digital boarding passes are a much more efficient solution.

If you find adding boarding passes to Google Wallet a bit of a hassle, it seems that Google is working to change that. According to a post by AssembleDebug on the GApps Flags & Leaks on Telegram, it seems that Google has recently added a flag to Chrome Canary that would allow boarding passes to be automatically added to Google Wallet via Chrome.

Google calls this a “boarding pass detector” and how it works is that it checks the link you opened from your airline company against Google’s predetermined list of airline URLs. If it detects that you’re opening a link that contains boarding pass data, it will then add it to Google Wallet so that you can easily pull it up when you’re boarding your flight.

Right now, users can still add boarding passes to Google Wallet, but it must be done through a custom link which not all airline companies may do, so at least with this method, it will have wider compatibility. At the moment there’s no telling when this feature will roll out, if at all, but it might be something to keep an eye out for if you’re a frequent traveler.

Source: Android Police


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