#1 Satoshi to USD / BTC / EUR / GBP Converter (2024 Updated)


The following page supplies a simple conversion tool from Satoshis (the smallest unit of account in Bitcoin equalling 0.00000001 Bitcoins) to USD / EUR / CNY / GBP / RUB / CAD. It is updated live as soon as you enter the value of Satoshis you require.

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BTC เธฟ1 =

Refresh โ†ป โ€“ occurs every 100 seconds

Bitcoin Units

= 0.00000001 เธฟ ย 
= 0.00000010 เธฟ ย 
= 0.00000100 เธฟ = 1 Bit / ฮผBTC (you-bit) / bit / microbitcoinย 
= 0.00001000 เธฟ ย 
= 0.00010000 เธฟ ย 
= 0.00100000 เธฟ = 1 mBTC (em0bit) / millibitcoin
= 0.01000000 เธฟ = 1 cBTC (bitcent)
= 0.10000000 เธฟ ย 
= 1.00000000 เธฟ = 1 Bitcoin

See the Bitcoin Wiki for a full list of units. Rates supplied by BitcoinAverage

How Many Bits are in a Bitcoin?

There are 1 million bits in 1 bitcoin.

1 bit = 1 microbitcoin = 1 ฮผBTC = 0.000001 bitcoin (BTC)

The term โ€œbitโ€ is a unit being used to represent smaller Bitcoin amounts. Due to the rising value of 1 bitcoin (currently 1 BTC = $46,383), many prices must be displayed in fractional bitcoin amounts.

For example, a bottle of beer might be priced at .00085 BTC. These fractional numeric values can be confusing and difficult for many people to read. The bit sub-unit (equal to 0.000001 BTC) is considered by many to be a more memorable and intuitive way of displaying Bitcoin amounts; the aforementioned beer would cost 850 bits.

Originally proposed on Bitcoin the sub-reddit, and now being embraced by the payment processor Bitpay, the bit sub-unit offers the following advantages:

  • More compatible with existing financial software that can only handle 2 decimal places. For example: using a figures like 49.99 bits instead of .00004999 bitcoins.
  • Figures would remain easily readable in the event of an extreme rise in Bitcoinโ€™s exchange rate: if 1 Bitcoin was worth $100,000, then a $4.99 beer would cost 49.90 bits.
  • Bit is an easier to remember unit when compared to other longer unit names and acronyms: 100 bits instead of 100 microbitcoins/100 ฮผBTC/1 millibitcoin/1 mBTC).

However, there are some disadvantages to the bits nomenclature:

  • Can be confused with the binary unit โ€œbitโ€ in computing, or the old-fashioned US currency unit of โ€œbitโ€, which is 12.5 cents.
  • Unit prefix terms such as micro-, milli-, and centi- are more familiar to those who use the metric measurement system (i.e. everyone except Americans).

How to Convert Bitcoins to Bits

1 bit is equal to 0.000001 bitcoin. So converting a bitcoin amount to bits can be done by dividing the bitcoin amount by .000001. For instance:

42.66 bitcoins รท .000001 = 42,660,000 bits

To go from bits back to bitcoins, multiply the bits amount by .000001:

42,660,000 bits ร— .000001 = 42.66 bitcoins

How to Convert a National Currency Price to a Bits Price

To convert national currency to the bits unit, you first need to know the exchange rate. In this example, weโ€™ll use the current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 bitcoin being worth around $7500 USD. Multiply $7500 by .000001 to determine how 1 bit is worth:

$7500 ร— .000001 = $.0075

So 1 bit is worth $.0075. What if we wanted to convert a price like $9.99 to bits? Just divide the price by the current bits exchange rate:

$9.99 / $.0075 = 1,332 bits

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