Snap Score and its Calculation

Get to Know About Snap Score and its Calculation

While keeping in view the fact that no other social network uses a scoring system, we keep on wondering as to what is Snapchat score and how is snapchat score calculated? This unique calculation of the snaps that you sent and also the stories that you’ve frequently reflects you’re on the whole engagement with the app.

 What Is a Snapchat Score?

What is Snapchat-Score

According to Snapchat, your snapchat score is ideally determined by a “special equation” that in the best way incorporates all the different ways you make the most of Snapchat. Some of these include:

  • The number of snaps you send.
  • The total number of snaps you receive.
  • The no of Snapchat stories that you post.
  • Certain other stuff and it can be anything

From the aforementioned facts, it is easy to comprehend that the more snaps you send and receive, and also the more stories you opt to post, the more chances are that your score will be higher. However, it still remains to be seen as to how snap score works and how snapchat recalculates users’ scores, but it most likely refreshes at least each week. Besides, it may be recalculated each and every day or every hour in order to remain updated.

How to Find Your Snap Score?

Just in case if you are hearing about Snap score for the very first time, you obviously don’t know how to look for it. However, you will be really amazed to know that it is super easy to comprehend your snap score.

  1. First of, open Snapchat.
  2. Make sure that you click on your profile icon. Just in case if you have your Bitmoji, you can also click on your Bitmoji icon.
  3. You will come across a number under your Snapchat name and username.
Snap Score

Congratulations! You have just found your snap score.

Whenever you click on the number which is your snap score, you’ll find a pop-up box.

This box ideally displays two numbers. The first one is the number of Snaps that you have sent and the other one is the number of snaps that you have received.

Keep in mind that your Snap score is not just the sum of snaps that you’ve sent as well as received, but instead it’s always more than that. And that is where the other factors come into play.

Here is How to Find Your Friend’s Snap Score?

How to find friend's snapchat score

While Snapchat obviously doesn’t compare your snap score with that of your friends, however you definitely can. It has been a common observation that many of my friends who are competing every now and then on their snap scores and also you.

If you want to see the snap score of your friends, we have got you covered.

  1. First off, try to open Snapchat followed by swiping left to see the “Chat” page.
  2. Try to click on your profile icon right on the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Just click on “My Friends”.
  4. You will come across a friends’ list on Snapchat and which will clearly be shown. You can click on anyone’s profile icon and easily see their snap score.
How to find friend's snapchat score

How is Snap Score Calculated?

As has already been mentioned, the Snap score is accurately determined from so many parameters and not from one. After wholly and solely analyzing the app, social media Analysts have offered some essential parameters that obviously affect your snap score. That is why, if you want to up your snap score game, the best way would be to stress these parameters. Let’s have a look,

1. Total No of Snaps Sent and Received

It should be kept in mind that the number of snaps that you send and receive is proportional directly to your snap score. Besides, it is not only this but also the frequency with which both these numbers enhance also impacts your snap score to a great extent.

2. No of Stories you Post and View

As far as Snapchat is concerned, it has proudly made the snap score to easily reflect your interactivity on the app. That is why, even if you haven’t been sending and receiving snaps, you can obviously enhance your snap score merely by using the story feature. It is also worth mentioning here that posting snaps on your story will enhance your snap score, but then you are only viewing stories that are not expected to enhance your snap score.

3. Try to Discover Videos in the ‘Discover’ Section

The total number of videos that you discover on Snapchat will definitely enhance your snap score. That is because even if you haven’t been sending and receiving snaps, you’re still efficiently interacting with the ‘Discover’ feature on Snapchat.

4. Length of Streaks

Just in case if you make streaks, then it’s so much convenient for you to enhance your score. That is because you must have already been interacting with your friends in the coolest way possible. Henceforth, the higher the number of your streaks, the up will be your snap score.

5. Total No of Friends on Snapchat

Just in case if you don’t have a fair number of friends on Snapchat, then we wish you luck with enhancing your snap score. To have a fair number of Snapchat scores, it is necessary that you opt to make as many friends as you can.

Besides, snapchat counts and also keeps a track of the total number of users that are added to your friend list and thus making it so much significant for you to make friends just in case you are concerned about the snap score.

6. Bonus Points for Coming Back

This is truly something that will be relevant to everyone i.e. the ones who frequently use the app and also the ones who use it seldomly. Snapchat also awards you some bonus points if you initiate using the app after a break as it is considered more like a welcome gift.

How can I Enhance my Snap Score?

The best way to enhance your Snap Score is to add friends and opt for sending one-on-one Snaps. If you’re truly dedicated, and you have a nice buddy trying to accomplish the similar thing you are, try to make a deal with them to snap on a frequent basis.

As a bonus, you could also get a Snap Streak which will obviously lead to new emojis as a gesture of real Snapchat friendship.

Is It Possible that my Snap Score Go Down?

The technical answer to this question would be no, Snap scores would never go down and will always go up. This scenario clearly means that you must not lose points. However, glitches might get reported sometimes where users’ Snap Scores have gone down. Just in case your score drops, you may need to use the ‘Report a problem’ link in Snapchat to easily keep up with someone for help.

Reason Behind your Snap Score not Going Up

Just in case if your Snap Score isn’t going up, that can be because you aren’t performing the right behaviors i.e. snapping individuals and also adding friends to name a few for enhancing the score. However, mistakes can happen and your best action would be to make sure that your app is updated. Try to close the app and then reopen it, followed by contacting Snapchat support.

In winding up, your Snapchat score won’t unlock special Snapchat features and it will not make it convenient for people to look and follow you. It would do nothing functional, technically but you should get trophies that you can boast about to your friends.






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